New Initiative to Regulate Electric Bicycles and Scooters

The Congress of Mexico City will soon receive a proposal from the government to regulate the use of electric bicycles and scooters, aiming to establish clear regulations and improve road safety.

New Initiative to Regulate Electric Bicycles and Scooters

The Morena Parliamentary Group in the Congress of Mexico City announced that the city government is preparing an initiative to regulate the use of bicycles and electric scooters, vehicles that have gained popularity but currently lack clear regulations.

Morena's deputy coordinator, Brenda Ruiz, revealed that the head of government, Clara Brugada, will send a proposal to the local Congress in the coming days to bring order to this issue. In Ruiz's words, "bike lanes are for cyclists, not for motorized vehicles," emphasizing that one of the main points of the initiative will be to prohibit the circulation of bicycles and electric scooters in bike lanes.

Additionally, the use of helmets will be mandatory, and a special category for these vehicles will be created, called "electric propulsion." The legislator highlighted that these vehicles, capable of reaching speeds of up to 45 kilometers per hour, will be subject to the same regulations as motorcycles, arguing that "they cannot continue to be treated as if they were non-motorized vehicles."

Among the relevant aspects of the initiative is the creation of a registry of electric propulsion vehicle dealers, which will be managed by the Secretary of Economic Development (Sedeco), with the aim of knowing the origin of these products and verifying that they comply with official regulations.

Brenda Ruiz assured that the proposal will be sent to the local Congress in the coming days for discussion and, eventually, implementation.

In summary, the three key points of the proposal are the creation of the dealer registry, classification as electric propulsion vehicles, and the prohibition of their circulation in bike lanes.